Hello! I'm Luis, a software engineer from Canada.
I am passionate about developing new technologies and am eager to learn new skills.
I'm currently a student at Western University based in London, Ontario finishing my bachelor's degree in Software Engineering where I spent 5 years learning the fundamentals of engineering, design, and programming. Over the course of my studies, I've had the opportunity to work with both small and large, specialized and cross-functional teams and have developed the ability to lead, collaborate, and create.
My interests include artificial intelligence/machine learning, blockchain, and data cloud management. If you're here recruiting, you should hire me..?
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I've gained valuable work experience from the following companies:
Some projects that I'd like to showcase. However, all my other repositories are on my GitHub.
date: "August 2024",
[ 'Developed a full pipeline for predicting NBA game outcomes, including
data scraping from basketball-reference.com using Playwright and BeautifulSoup,
data parsing with Pandas, and model training with XGBoost, Random Forest, and
Ridge Classifiers.', 'Enhanced model accuracy to 65% by refining datasets
through feature selection, normalization, and cross-validation, with a focus on
integrating rolling averages to assess team performance over the last 15 games.' ],
technologies: [ "Python", "Jupyter Notebooks" ] }
date: "October 2022",
[ 'Built a web application deployed on AWS that allows users to find and discover music from different artists, genres, and
tracks. Additionally, users can create new playlists and add tracks to it.',
'Developed and integrated a RESTful framework using Node.js to interface with a MongoDB database, enabling efficient fetching, manipulation, and deletion of data across thousands of entries.' ],
technologies: [ "JavaScript", "React", "MongoDb", "Node.js", "Amazon Web Services" ] }
date: "April 2021",
[ 'Created a 3D adventure game following an iterative software development life cycle model',
'Contained 3 different environments, 5 playable characters, ranged and melee combat, inventory selection, a currency system, and much more',
'Utilized Blender to enhance the effects and animations of pve combat' ],
technologies: [ "Unity", "Blender", "C#" ] }